Submission Guide

Sample submission is available for any student within the University of Florida, other universities, or anyone needing characterization services. Please contact Dr. Bailey to schedule an appointment to discuss your sample or project needs.

Complete the sample submission form below. This form must be printed and accompany your submitted samples.

Samples may be dropped off outside Leigh Hall (LEI), room 318, in the sample drop-off box/area. If samples require special storage conditions, please email Dr. Bailey to schedule a drop-off time. Our facilities are not equipped for intensive sample preparation. All samples should be ready to run upon submission.

Samples may be mailed:

Dr. Laura Bailey
1680 Union Rd
126 Sisler Hall/Department of Chemistry
Gainesville FL 32611

Results will be emailed. Samples will be discarded upon completion unless a return request is sent at the time of submission.