Southeast Polymer Forum abstracts due – April 10th, 2025

  • the abstracts for talks are only for faculty members and please submit your abstract early
  • the posters for future faculties are only for postdocs and phd students ready on job market though faculty members are welcome too. VPRs, Deans, and Department Chairs will be judges.
  • the general posters are open for everyone
  • the faculty awards given to ~15 members ($1k each) will be selected from the submissions/registrations (registration will be open Feb 20 and the abstract can be submitted now)
  • the student awards given to ~20 members ($750 each) will be selected from the submissions/registrations (registration will be open Feb 20 and the abstract can be submitted now)
  • the poster awards will be judged on site (5 for future faculty attendees and 5 for general poster attendees)

Forum website:

  • Location: UGA Georgia Center as conference rooms, parking and hotel, 1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30602-3603
  • Time: May 18-20, 2025: The Hotel rooms are right above the conference center.
  • All food during the conference will be complimentary.

SMARTS abstracts due – Friday, March 7th

If you are interested in registering as a presenter, volunteer, or both, please complete the following form:

  • Graduate students can submit abstracts (< 250 words) for a poster or oral presentation.
  • Undergraduate students can submit abstracts (< 250 words) for a poster presentation.
  • Abstract deadline is Friday, March 7th at 8:00 pm.

11th annual Soft Matter Applied Research and Technology Symposium (SMARTS)

Scott Family Hall (SFH)

Friday, April 4th 

8:30 am to 5:30 pm

Southeast Polymer Forum – May 18-20, Athens, GA

The SOUTHEAST POLYMER FORUM 2025 will serve as a platform to explore the dynamic intersection of materials science, manufacturing technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning (ML), aligning with UGA’s recent cluster hiring in manufacturing and ML. The conference will focus on a diverse range of materials, with an emphasis on soft matter systems such as polymers, biomolecules, and biomass, while also covering advanced composites and hybrid materials. Discussions will highlight cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, including nanomanufacturing, additive manufacturing, and traditional processing technologies, integrating both experimental and theoretical perspectives. The AI/ML component of the conference will showcase state-of-the-art algorithm development for optimizing polymer properties, enhancing manufacturing efficiency, improving energy sustainability, and advancing intelligent systems for national defense, one health, precision agriculture, and convergent safety, enabling real-time decision-making and automation in modern manufacturing environments.

Abstract submission deadline: April 10th, 2025

Agenda finalization deadline: April 15th, 2025

Registration start date: February 17th, 2025

  • Location: UGA Georgia Center as conference rooms, parking and hotel, 1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30602-3603
  • Time: May 18-20, 2025: The Hotel rooms are right above the conference center.
  • All food during the conference will be complimentary.

The abstracts for talks are only for faculty members

The posters for future faculties are only for postdocs and phd students ready on job market.

The general posters are open for everyone

The faculty awards given to ~15 members ($1k each) will be selected from the submissions/registrations (registration will be open Feb 20 and the abstract can be submitted now)

The student awards given to ~20 members ($750 each) will be selected from the submissions/registrations (registration will be open Feb 20 and the abstract can be submitted now)

The poster awards will be judged on site (5 for future faculty attendees and 5 for general poster attendees)

Forum website:

2025 AIChE Graduate Polymer Research Symposium – Abstracts due Friday, April 11th

The call for abstracts for the 2025 AIChE Annual Meeting is open! Submit your abstracts here:

The meeting will take place from November 2-6, 2025 in Boston (Hynes Convention Center).

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research (nominations due Friday 4/11). This is an invited session of talks by graduate students who demonstrate excellence in chemical engineering research in polymer science and engineering. To be considered for this award, a student must be working towards a Ph.D. degree and must not have completed the requirements before the nomination deadline (Friday, April 11, 2025). A nomination package, containing 1) A letter by the research advisor 2) The curriculum vitae of the nominee 3) An abstract should be sent by the research advisor (as a single PDF file) directly to with the subject line “AIChE 08A Award StudentName”. The nomination package must be received by April 11, 2025 to be considered. In order to be eligible for the award, the student MUST also submit an abstract directly to any OTHER relevant AIChE 08A session by the abstract submission deadline for the Fall 2025 meeting. Students invited to present will have their abstracts transferred to the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research session, while students not invited will still have their abstracts under consideration in the session to which they submitted.

    CONGRATS to Dr. Brent Sumerlin on being awarded a 2025 POLY Fellows Award

    The POLY Fellows Program was established in 2009 to recognize excellence in all ways that POLY members advance our field of polymer science, either through scientific accomplishments, service to the profession, or both. The awards are administered and sponsored by the POLY division of the ACS.

    Brent Sumerlin was 1 of 6 awards of the 2025 POLY Fellows Award. He will be honored with a plaque during the Spring ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA, at the POLY/PMSE Award Ceremony

    SMARTS 2025: Friday, April 4th

    UF POLY/PMSE is excited to announce that our 11th annual Soft Matter Applied Research and Technology Symposium (SMARTS) will be held from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on Friday, April 4th in Scott Family Hall (SFH) located on the corner of University Avenue and Buckman Drive. With SMARTS, we hope to encourage another year of interdepartmental discussions regarding soft matter and polymer science. Graduate, undergraduate, and postdoctoral researchers are welcome to present their work in macromolecular chemistry, materials, engineering, or medicine. Affiliates in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering are highly encouraged to participate. Undergraduate students are additionally encouraged to attend and submit an abstract to present in the poster sessions. 

    If you are interested in registering as a presenter, volunteer, or both, please complete the following form: Graduate students can submit abstracts (< 250 words) for a poster or oral presentation. Undergraduate students can submit abstracts (< 250 words) for a poster presentation. Abstract deadline is Friday, March 7th at 8:00 pm.

    POLY/PMSE will need help before and during the event, and every little bit of your time is immensely appreciated. All attendees that register for volunteering will be provided food, refreshments, and a free T-shirt!

    If you are a graduate student, post-doc, or faculty member and would be interested in serving as a judge for posters and presentations please indicate it on the registration form.

    Symposium Information:

    Keynote Speakers: Dr. Janani Sampath (Chemical Engineering), Dr. Guilhem De Hoe (Materials Science & Engineering), Dr. Amal Narayanan (Chemistry)

    • Prizes for 1st – 3rd Graduate Poster Presentations
    • Prize for Best Undergraduate Poster Award
    • Prizes for 1st – 3rd Oral Presentations